Miljana Cunta

Miljana Cunta (1976) is a poet, editor and translator, author of four volumes of poetry – Za pol neba (For Half the Sky) (Beletrina, 2010), Pesmi dneva (Songs of the Day) (KUD Logos, 2014), Svetloba od zunaj (Light from Outside) (Mladinska knjiga, 2018), Nekajkrat smo zašli, zdaj se vračamo (We Lost Our Way a Few Times, Now We Are Returning) (Slovenska matica, 2023). She has written a number of accompanying texts and reflections on poetry and was a guest columnist for Delo, Slovenia’s major daily newspaper. She was programme director of the international literary festivals Vilenica and Fabula. Her poems have been nominated for the most important Slovene poetry awards. The poet Brane Senegačnik wrote of Cunta’s poetic landscapes: “This poetry is these landscapes: individual images, thoughts and motifs seem to be merely elements from which they emerge. Be it Greek islands, Roman squares, a landscape with birch trees, or the bedroom, they are always part of the same world, which extends outwards and inwards. There is something muted, unsettling and at the same time pure in the air; because it is open, this world is real.”

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