Esad Babačić

Esad Babačić (1965) has published twenty-five books of poetry, prose and essays. For his book Veš, mašina, svoj dolg (Do You Know, Machine, Your Debt) (Cankarjeva založba, 2020) he was awarded the Rožanc Award, Slovenia’s national award for best collection of essays. His poem Donava (Danube) was awarded the international Hörbiger Prize in Vienna, and his collection Prihodi, odhodi (Arrivals, Departures) (ŠKD Nika, 2013) was nominated for the Jenko Award, bestowed by the Slovene Writers’ Association. In 2014 he received the Velenjica Čaša Nesmrtnosti literary prize for his outstanding ten-year opus with an important contribution to 21st century Slovene literature. On the occasion, the President of the Slovene Writers’ Association at the time, Ivo Svetina, commented that, “Babačić’s directness spiced with his eternal rebelliousness brings an entirely new spirit to European poetry, one with which he has infected a great number of followers. As his contemporary and connoisseur of literary developments in Slovenia and elsewhere in Europe, especially in the German- speaking sphere, I join all those who recognise his status as one of the most powerful pens in Slovenia.” He also writes advertisement texts, is a publicist, film actor, former TV and radio presenter, as well as co-founder and curator of the Museum of Punk Culture.

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