Mojca Širok

Mojca Širok (1968) is a journalist and author. Since 1993 she has covered Italian politics and society, first for political weekly Mladina and later as a reporter for Slovenia’s broadcaster RTV Slovenia. She was also RTV Slovenia’s foreign correspondent from Italy and the Vatican. During this time she wrote documentaries about the Italian mafia and Italian politics. In 2010 Širok published Zadnji rimski cesar (The Last Roman Emperor) (Finance), about the collapse of the Italian party system in the early 1990s and the subsequent rise of Silvio Berlusconi, and Oblast brez obraza (Power without a Face) (Mladinska knjiga), about Italy’s four traditional mafia organisations. In 2014 she published Od Benedikta do Frančiška (From Benedict to Francis) (Mladinska knjiga). The book investigates the story behind the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and the election of Pope Francis. She published two crime novels, Pogodba (The Deal) (Mladinska knjiga, 2018) and Evidenca (The List) (Mladinska knjiga, 2021), with the third forthcoming in September 2023. She currently works as RTV Slovenija's EU correspondent in Brussels.

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