Peter Mlakar

Peter Mlakar (1951) is a philosopher, writer, performer, member of Neue Slowenische Kunst (NSK, Department of Pure and Applied Philosophy) and an associate of the music group Laibach. He also participated in projects by 300 000 Verschiedene Krawalle (Laibach Kunst division), the CD Peter– Paracelsus, PeterParadox, the IRWIN art group, the Noordung Theatre and various undertakings by NSK State and New Collectivism. He regularly lectures and carries our performances Točka G kot umetniško delo (G Spot as an Artwork), Spoved (Confession), Tri oblike absolutnega zla (Three Forms of Absolute Evil). He completed a degree in philosophy and comparative literature and worked as an editor at the journal Problemi, was president of ŠKUC, Head of the Section for Publishing at the University Student Organisation, a TV preacher on national TV. In his work he looks at classical philosophical themes and their anomalies, for example the question of God in relation to a scientificised, technologicised and cyberneticised world; erotica and transendence; pleasure and evil; mysticism with science. His books include Hribi in doline (Hills and Valleys) (NSK, 1999), Omračitev uma (The Darkening of the Mind) (NSK, 2007), Mišljenje, ki to ni (Thinking, When It Isn't) (NSK, 2014), Vojna (War) (NSK, 2011).

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