Roman Rozina

Roman Rozina (1960) comes from Zasavje and studied journalism in Ljubljana. He worked at a local newspaper, the national broadcaster, was an independent journalist, worked for the Development Agency, and is now a freelance writer. For over 25 years he has been involved in journalism and research connected with the present and past of the Zasavje region. So far he has published seven novels and two collections of short stories. His second novel Galerija na izviru Sončne ulice (Gallery at the Source of Sunny Street) (Modrijan, 2010), the main theme of which is art, was nominated for the 2011 Kresnik Award for best Slovene novel. His fourth novel, Županski kandidat Gams (Mayoral Candidate Gams) (Cankarjeva založba, 2012), the story of the rise and fall of a political dilettante, won the Modra Ptica Award in 2014. He was once again nominated for the Kresnik Award with his novel Zločin in ljubezen (Crime and Love) (Modrijan, 2016), which looks at the position of books today, and he won the Kresnik Award in 2022 for Sto let slepote (A Hundred Years of Blindness) (Mladinska knjiga, 2021), in which he describes the events of the twentieth century in the form of a family chronicle. His latest novel, Tujintuj (Mladinska knjiga, 2023) is a story about refugees and the rejection of differences among people.

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