Sara Belin

Sara Belin was born in Ljubljana where she studied the piano and solo singing. She was first Slovene to study opera singing at the Hans Eilser Acadeny of Music in Berlin, performing in leading roles in a number of operas as a student. Health issues brought an early end to her promising career as a soprano. In 2010 her debut novel December Moon was published by Sanje publishing house in Slovenia. Three years later she published her first novel in German entitled Bittersweet Moon, which reached the top of the Kindle bestsellers list. In 2018 her novel The Millionaire’s Game (Montlake Romance, 2018) came fourth in the bestseller chart of Amazon Germany. She has recently published a trilogy of erotic novels: Rockstar Crush (dp Verlag). Over the last year she has taken on writing two plays that are to be staged in German theatres and is currently also working on a new novel.

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