Robert Simonišek

Robert Simonišek (1977), writer, poet and art historian, studied philosophy and art history in Ljubljana and Graz. He holds a PhD in art history. So far he has published four volumes of poetry Potopljeni katalog (The Sunken Catalogue) (LUD Literatura, 2003), Avtoportret brez zemljevida (A Self-Portrait Without a Map) (LUD Literatura, 2008), Selitve (Migrations) (LUD Literatura, 2013), and Kar dopuščajo čuti (What the Senses Allow) (Mladinska knjiga, 2020), a collection of short stories Melanholična zrenja (Melancholic Gazes) (Litera, 2010), a monograph Slovenska secesija, (The Slovene Secession) (Slovenska matica, 2011), a novel Soba pod gradom (A Room Below the Castle) (Litera, 2013), and two collections of essays Trk prostorov (Crash of Spaces) (Litera, 2017) and Pejsaži sanjati na soncu (Paysages – Dreaming in the Sun) (Družina, 2021). Both collections won the Rožanc Award, Slovenia’s national prize for the best collection of essays. In his literary works he interweaves travel motifs with existential questions and the author's individual experience of nature and art. His texts have been translated into various languages and have appeared in a number of anthologies.

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